needed: diesel mechanics
The diesel technician shortage is a critical issue that affects the transportation and logistics industries. The shortage is caused by a number of factors, including an aging workforce, fewer graduates, and the complexity of modern diesel engines.
Aging workforce
Many diesel technicians are nearing retirement age, and there aren't enough young people entering the field
Fewer graduates
The number of students completing postsecondary diesel programs is decreasing
Technical complexity
Modern diesel engines are more complex, with advanced technologies like electronics and emissions controls
Outdated perceptions
The profession is sometimes seen as "dirty" or less prestigious than other careers Impact
Increased demand
The shortage has led to increased demand for diesel technicians, which has caused wages to go up
Extra downtime
The shortage has created extra downtime and added to the work order backlog
Evolving job description
The job description of a diesel technician is evolving as the complexity of vehicles increases
Attract new generations
Efforts are being made to encourage students to pursue a career as a diesel technician
Recognize and reward staff
Rewarding staff for demonstrating the company's core values can help encourage good behavior
Partner with schools
Schools can present trades programs through partnerships with local businesses